Chapter 7
What do we need to achieve this?
We invest in the development of our staff and volunteers. The ABC Huis would not be able to function without them. We also greatly value the relationship we have with the entrepreneurs and network instructors working for Artiance. We encourage them to take advantage of the training sessions offered internally to monitor and update their professional knowledge.
In specific terms: We know the qualities our staff possess and apply them in areas where they are best suited. Every staff member is given the opportunity to advance their knowledge and we expect each of them to keep their own expertise up to date. A personal development or education plan to achieve this is given to every staff member. We also plan to invest in the digital skills our staff possess.

We discuss the need for an adequate annual subsidy indexation with the governmental bodies who finance us. We also strive to make our services in education more cost effective. The search for a third financial income source through funds, sponsors or project subsidies continues. When it comes to important changes, we make (investment) plans and reserve funds for this in our budget. We ensure that we have and continue to hold a solid financial base.
In specific terms:
We make agreements with the councils on our commitment and achievements in relation to the key issues of each related district. Given the major changes, we will however soon plan for investments in digital infrastructure.
We will proceed with the development of a plan to renovate the building on Canadaplein. This is to create a new setting so that the partnership within the ABC Huis can be enhanced even further. We will meet with the Alkmaar council to discuss how to acquire a building for multipurpose use for the next 20 years. Included herein is the growing need for space for the new functions within Artiance and the Library. After meeting with the four councils, we will reassess our branch policy for the other library branches.
In specific terms:
We will discuss our reassessment of the branch policy with the councils. This is also in relation to the responsibility for councils to provide fully developed library branches as of 2025.