Chapter 3
Theme A sense of purpose
Many people search for meaning and positive experience. People want to provide a valued contribution to (local) society and to the environment, together with the community.
There appears to be a trend in all levels of society, where boosting the feeling of well-being tends to be more important than increasing purchasing power. Instead of purchasing power Barbara Baarsma, Economist, would rather talk about the ‘power of opportunity’, or “the level where you feel you have control of your own life, in control of your future.”
In many areas of our society there is a growing realization that prosperity does not necessarily result in greater well-being. Despite our standard of living, people in the Netherlands still live in poverty. Also see summary on broad welfare on (see reference 8). People with low-literacy skills have difficulty coping in life; they are lonely and feel excluded from our society. But everyone has a talent to contribute something towards society and sometimes people just need extra support to be able to put that talent to work.
We can achieve a great deal as Marli Huijer states in the Groene Amsterdammer, by “viewing solidarity as a practice that demands continuous investment - and thus not as a moral or political principle”.

Our goal on a sense of purpose
We want to strengthen personal development and growth to improve social wellbeing together with the community members.
In specific terms:
- Learn with and from residents based on the belief that everyone has knowledge and talent.
- Provide activities and develop them for and together with residents so that they can learn, discover, enrich themselves and add extra depth and experience to their lives.
To achieve this, we will:
- Actively search for the questions community members and partners have, which the ABC Huis (jointly) can help answer.
- Discuss this with the community members and partners.
- Illustrate that all our activities are from, for and throughout the city, neighborhood, or village. This means that, where necessary, we will lead the way (show); support together where necessary (act together), and that we will function as host/hostess when residents and cooperative partners require the ABC Huis purely as a location or stage (self help).
What are we going to do:
- We work together with the education system, social organizations, and residents. The goal is to develop the activities together.
- We take an active role in monitoring social developments so that we can continue to tailor our products or services to meet needs.
Who do we want our activities to target:
- Our main target group is youngsters aged 0-21 years. This is because that spark of curiosity and eagerness to learn in this age group is naturally present and this is what we want to encourage.
- We also focus on senior citizens (65+). Members in this group have considerable knowledge and experience and they are often willing and able to help others.
- Special attention is also given to seniors who are unable to fully participate in the community. We would like to bring these two groups into contact with each other.